4 Journal Prompts to Foster Patience During Growth Between the Seasons

Growth Between the Seasons

How do you foster your personal growth between the seasons of lag time (like winter) and growth spurts (like spring)?

Growth Between the Seasons

In the Northern hemisphere, growth is beginning to emerge from the ground, perseverance that started several months ago in the darkness of winter.

While spring is aching to break forth, winter resists letting go entirely.

The calendar may say that we are in spring; reality tells us we are somewhere between winter and spring. Winter is slowly loosening its grip while spring is itching to bring more abundance of life.

Growth in the Dark

During winter, a lot of growth happens in the dark, underneath the soil.

The blanket of cold weather and precipitation nourishes the growth beneath the surface.

Growth in the Light

During this time of early spring, winter eventually weakens its stronghold on the earth and finally gives way to the new life budding forth from the ground.

The crocuses, daffodils, and tulips are breaking forth with a multi-color array of beauty across the landscape. At the same time, every twig of foliage is at-the-ready to burst into a new life, completing the cycle transition into spring.

Journal Prompts for Growth Between the Seasons

Winter cannot hold the resistance much longer. Spring will finally take over the landscape.

During this cycle of growth between the seasons, spend some time reflecting and journaling on the following to foster the patience of time and trust:

  1. In what ways do you trust that growth is continually happening within the depths of your being? (Even when there may be minor external signs of transformation – like the blanket of winter?)
  2. How do you give yourself grace and patience with the time of growth, trusting that new life will emerge in due time?
  3. What do you notice in this divergence of growth both in the depths of your inner being and your life’s outward expression?
  4. What are you learning along the way?
Growth Between the Seasons

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